Earth Tone.

Ikuk Oero
Jul 5, 2021

A rich warm color with a brownish hue.

Photo by Billy Freeman on Unsplash

Crook-backed, but confident enough to see through these eyes. Brownish heart to make the surrounding warm and nice only with a single presence. Deriving a soul full of gloom-bloom all at once. Sniffing a calming scent with a hint of grayscale leaves.

My dear, i am no stranger to a loner. I am a fighter if only you were a trooper. I won’t bother until you come closer. I am an enchanter for a day dreamer. But i ain’t a lover, for a chicken liver.

My dear, if only the spinning wheel turned back around, would the earth tone pigmented the sunset one more count?

My dear, if hope were only for believers, may the dianthus caramel would raising peacefully in the depth of ours.



Ikuk Oero

—Happy soul— // I believe that words is another form of art. Most of the writings are based on my point of view & personal experience. Some of it maybe for you.